Sunday 29 January 2012

Ellie Bibby - Character Design

I’ve always loved playing video games; I’d spend half my time playing the games and the other half pouring over the images and stories in the manuals. After completing a degree in Graphic Design I decided to follow my dream and join a Games Design course. In my two years of Games Design I’ve achieved a lot already; I’ve had work experience painting textures for models for a video game (still in progress) and also was selected to pitch ideas to big companies like the BBC. I found myself enjoying character design the most and chose this to be my specialty. I love creating new ideas, experimenting with these creations and developing them. I’m very comfortable using Photoshop and Illustrator but have plenty of experience using both Maya and UDK Unreal Engine. I’m a hard worker and I’m constantly pushing myself to be as good as I can be.

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Work Examples: