Monday 2 January 2012

Jamie Mark Gregoire - Concept Art

I am a twenty year old video game design enthusiast passionate about developing games in the near future. I have a very strong work ethic with full commitment on developing a professional portfolio around the clock. I feel prepared to work successfully in house with a team to develop projects as i have adequte communication skills and feel this approach is the fastest way to further enhance my professionalism, experience in this industry and strengh of portfolio.
I am completely flexible, capable of designing ideas for across many genres and platforms with the personal preferation of real time stratergy games, role playing games, platform games and simple handheld device interactive puzzle/scroller games. A big influence on my work of late has been BALLISTIC studios EXPOSE  published book franchise to give a feel of my taste. I must note that I don't see my profession as work, I see it more as an obsession.

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Work Examples: