Monday 2 January 2012

Louie Woodhouse - Prop Modelling

Hello, I am Louie woodhouse and I am a 3D modeller. The programs I know are Autodesk Maya, Photoshop, xNormal and some experience with Zbrush. Since starting 3D modelling I have dived headfirst into it as I have a real passion for making models come alive. Mostly I focus on prop and asset modelling as I really enjoy getting detail into objects. When I started, I focused on low poly and models with a suitable poly limit to be put into mobile platform like the iPhone or Nintendo DS. More recently though I have spread towards high poly as well, getting a good understanding on baking normal maps and making specular maps. Through this it has given a good understanding of the fundamentals of optimisation, helping my work stay efficient through to high poly. To hire me, is to hire someone with passion and dedication to work hard and self-improve. 

Contact Details
Telephone: 0776864120

Work Examples: